Friday, November 30, 2018

12/3/18 Classroom Updates and Announcements

Hello parents,

Here are the curriculum updates for this week:

We will finish our unit on animal defenses and research this week.  Students will present their products from the choice boards they were provided at the beginning of November.  The projects will be displayed outside of our classroom on the walls.  

We are continuing our work in multiplication.  Through the homework and during class, I have been providing the students with math review that is aligned to our assessments.  

We are continuing to work on developing our opinion writing.

Social Studies
We will finish up the American Revolution next week.

Friday, December 7- Multiplication Quiz 
The quiz will be over the standard algorithm and partial products.  Students will need to know how to multiply 1 digit by multi-digits and two digits by two digits.  

We will root for our two spelling bee finalists, Sean S. and Taylor Y., on December 7.  We are very proud of our classmates!!!

Please mark your calendars for our classroom holiday celebration on December 19 from 10am-11:30am.  More information will be sent in the upcoming week.  

From the Nurse's Station...
Hello parents!

As flu season approaches, we need your help to make sure we keep our kiddos healthy and safe. Here are some important reminders regarding medication procedures and guidelines for staying home/coming to school:

Medication must be brought to the front office or school clinic by the parent/guardian except as otherwise permitted. An “Authorization to Give Medication” Form JGCD-2 must be completed and filed with the School Clinic. Medications must be in original containers with label. The link to the form can be found here . Even cough drops are considered medication and must be administered by district guidelines.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your school nurse with any questions or concerns regarding medications at school. Thank you for taking part in keeping our students healthy and safe!

From KSE school nurses,
Aimee Benefield, BSN, RN (2-5 campus)

Jennifer Hanlan, BSN, RN (K1 campus)

From the Desk of Mrs. Hatcher

As the holidays approach, many of us may be considering technology purchases. Over the next few weeks, I am going to send a link or two that you might find helpful!
The scary truth about too much screen time:

In case you missed last week:
Does your child love fortnite?? Then this article is for you!!!
This is a great site to bookmark- you can read about everything from apps to new movie releases:

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Homework for 11/29

Hello parents,

The students have the 6 and 7 multiplication facts to practice for tonight to help with two digit multiplication.  I am noticing that many of my friends are still learning their facts.  In order to master the two digit multiplication strategies and problems, the individual facts and fact families have to be mastered first.

If you feel that your child knows their facts, you may time them using tonight's homework.  This will help them build fluency.  But, only do this if you feel that your child knows their facts.

Here is a video that will help explain area model multiplication, which we have been working on in class:
Area Model: Partial Products

Also, from Mr. Mathews...
Parents, please have your child study the attached Powerpoint. It is the information that will be covered on our science test which we’ll have on December 6, 2018. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Ronnell Mathews Ed.S

Thank you,
Mrs. Bruner

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Angel Tree

Dear King Springs Families,

We will be doing our “Angel Tree” again this year at King Springs.  Students, staff and community members sponsor King Springs’ families in need during the holiday season.  Please assist us in helping these families in our school community by allowing your child(ren) to select an Angel(s) from the Angel Tree.  We will be collecting gift cards for our families in any denomination (please write the amount on the card).

o   Red Angel  (Target or Wal-Mart gift card)
o   Green Angel  (Publix or Kroger gift card)

Students will be allowed to come to the Angel Tree between 7:20 and 7:50 each morning from November 26th – November 30th at both campuses.  All gift cards must be returned to school by Wednesday, December 5th.  Gift cards should be placed in the black boxes just like any other money your student would bring in.  The tree will be located in the front lobby.  Parents and staff are welcome to take an angel at any time.  You don’t have to have an angel to donate.  You are welcome to just send in a gift card from any of the stores listed above with the amount written on it.  If you have any questions please contact Kristin Hartzheim or Elizabeth Hatcher at 678-842-6944.  Thank you for your support and generosity!

Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26 Updates and Announcements

Hello fabulous parents!

Just a few reminders...

We are going to the Cobb Youth Museum on Tuesday, November 27.  We will eat lunch at school when we return at 12:30pm.  If your child has not sent in their permission slip/money, please do so by tomorrow morning.  If your child does not go, they will be go to another fourth grade classroom while we are attending the field trip.

We are continuing to conduct our research on animals.  Each student has chosen an animal to research and study.  Our presentations will be Friday, November 30.  The project will be recorded as both a reading and writing grade.  This is an in class project and is not to be completed at home (just an FYI).

We are working on multiplication in math.  Our standards address the standard algorithm and using diagrams to show the multiplication process.  Students need to practice their multiplication facts daily to build fluency.  Through observations and small groups, I am seeing that we are still struggling with knowing our 7s, 8s, and 9 facts. 

We are continuing to work on our opinion writing and how to develop reasons to support our opinions.

Social Studies
We are combining weeks 5, 6, 7, and 8 of our social studies weekly to cover the American Revolution.  You will see more interactive notebooks coming home that highlight our social studies standards specifically.  Assessments will continue to be created by yours truly.

Students who were scheduled to make up their social studies test or math test will do so on Wednesday, November 28.  Due to the power outage, we were unable to finish either of the tests and I didn't think it would be fair to count that against the students.  We will also have our prefix and suffix quiz on Friday, November 30.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Bruner

Friday, November 16, 2018

Square 1 Art Deadline...November 19

Exciting news about our Square 1 Art fundraiser! We have extended the ONLINE ordering through NOV 19! If you haven't had a chance to order go to and use your child's log in code to order customized items. If you do not have your code (found on the ordering packet) let me know and I can send it to you.

Thank you for helping support the art programs at both campuses!

Merry Mullins

Monday, November 12, 2018

Week of 11/12/18 Announcements and Updates

How are we half way through November already?

Please do not forget that our Thanksgiving luncheon is this Wednesday, November 14 from 12:42-1:22pm.  Please note that this is a new time.  We look forward to seeing anyone who can make it.  

Progress reports will go home this Friday, November 16.  

Assessments this week
ELA-prefix and suffix quiz on Friday

Reading- We are doing a great job learning how to research, find primary and secondary sources, and how to use the information we find to inform others.  

Writing- We have started to learn about opinion and persuasive writing.  This will continue throughout this quarter.

Math- We are learning about multiplication comparisons and the relationship between adding and multiplication.

Social Studies- The American Revolution is well under way now.  We have discussed the Boston Tea Party, the Boston Massacre, and the many Acts that lead up to the start of the war.

I hope you all have a great week.  Try to stay dry!
Mrs. Bruner

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

From the Nurses Station...Please Read.

Hello parents!

As flu season approaches, we need your help to make sure we keep our kiddos healthy and safe. Here are some important reminders regarding medication procedures and guidelines for staying home/coming to school:

Medication must be brought to the front office or school clinic by the parent/guardian except as otherwise permitted. An “Authorization to Give Medication” Form JGCD-2 must be completed and filed with the School Clinic. Medications must be in original containers with label. The link to the form can be found here . Even cough drops are considered medication and must be administered by district guidelines.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your school nurse with any questions or concerns regarding medications at school. Thank you for taking part in keeping our students healthy and safe!

From KSE school nurses,
Aimee Benefield, BSN, RN (2-5 campus)
Jennifer Hanlan, BSN, RN (K1 campus)

Monday, November 5, 2018

11/5/18 Announcements and Updates

We are inching closer and closer to Thanksgiving break.  Can you believe it?  But, until then we are working HARD in class.

I am very pleased to see our progress through IXL.  We have answered over 3,000 questions, have mastered 53 skills and are proficient in 76 skills! WOW!  Keep up the great work at home.  Teamwork makes the dream work!

We are learning how to research and how to use the information from our research to inform an audience.  The project they are working on in school is for school only.  I will not send it home for homework.

We will have a writing prompt pre-assessment on Wednesday. There is nothing to prepare for.  This is to see where students are in opinion writing.  We are also discussing the differences between prefixes and suffixes.

I am excited that the students are excited about multiplication.  We are learning how to use diagrams to solve multiplication problems.

Social Studies
We are finishing up "Mounting Tension in the Colonies" this week.  With that said, assessments will be on Monday, November 12th for my homeroom and on Tuesday, November 13th for Mr. Mathews.

From the desk of Mr. Mathews...
Parents, please have your child study for his/her science test on Wednesday November 7, 2018. They have a science review sheet, notes in their science journal, and can use pages 175-202 in their science books to study and/or find the answers to their study guide. Thank you.

Please don't forget to have your child turn in their permission slip and money for the Cobb Youth Museum field trip.

Updated announcement:  Classroom spelling bee 11/7/18.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Hello parents!

I wanted to reiterate that homework is to help students practice the skills and concepts addressed in school and is not punishment.  I want to make sure that students are prepared, especially when there is a cumulative assessment involved such as the one in math tomorrow. 

I look for different ways for students to practice instead of just sending worksheets.  My goal is to support you in building well rounded students. 

Homework= preparation and not punishment. 

Have an awesome Thursday and try to stay dry!
Evonna Bruner