Friday, August 31, 2018

Gifted Eligibility Meeting

The Advanced Learning Program teachers will hold a gifted eligibility meeting for parents at 8:15 AM on Friday, September 21, 2018 in the 2-5 cafeteria. This meeting is not for parents of current Target students. It is for parents who are interested in hearing information about the gifted eligibility process and how the CogAT and Iowa tests relate to eligibility. We will also discuss the other components of testing and the required scores to qualify for gifted services.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Grades and Dates

I send home graded work as it becomes available.  If you notice your child has received a grade of 70 or below, please know that they have the opportunity to take the assignment/quiz/test again, per our policy (please see our grading policy on my Grading tab).  I am trying to put a date on the paper if it has a grade of 70 or below.  This date is the very last date the assignment can be made up.  After this date, the child cannot make it up.

Even if I do not put a date on the paper (because I may forget), please know that your child can retake the assignment/quiz/tests, but they must be motivated to ask to do so.  There is not an open window that remains open for makeups.  I just wanted to make sure everyone has this information.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support!

Fire Safety Village...Please Read

We will have a visit from firefighters this Thursday.  We will also visit the Fire Safety Village next week, September 6.  If you have not signed (or even seen) the permission slips for either of these events, I have sent another set home.  Please make sure they are returned ASAP or your student will not be allowed to participate. 

Thank you,
Evonna Bruner

Monday, August 27, 2018

August 27, 2018 Update


We are moving right along in place value.  We will review rounding with large numbers and will begin adding and subtracting this week.

We are beginning poetry with Love that Dog.  We will look at prose verses poetry and how they are different.

We have finished up reviewing the writing process and well into narrative and fiction writing.

We are still studying the parts of speech and sentence structure.

Social Studies
We are finishing our Social Studies Weekly 1 and will begin Weekly 2.  There is an open assessment for the following classes:  Mathews- Thursday,  Bruner- Friday.  This is completely open notes and the students have what they do to do well. 

Friday, August 17, 2018


Hi Parents!

Graded papers will come home, however, you are unable to see the grades in Parent Vue until after Open House.  When you come to Open House on August 22, please make sure you bring your I.D. so that you can sign up for Parent Vue.

Thank you,
Evonna Bruner

Monday, August 13, 2018

Weekly Update: August 13, 2018

News this week:

August 15, is the final day to order spirit wear and PTA memberships. Please click on the link below:
If you have already ordered but didn’t send in your cash or check, please send your payment by Thursday. All new orders will need to use PayPal for payment to make the deadline.

Writing- We are moving "write" along in writing.  We are going over the writing process this week:  Brainstorming, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and Publishing.  I really want the students to enjoy writing, so many of the prompts at this time is focused on them.  It is much easier to write about yourself.

We are discussing the story elements this week.  We will begin dissecting poetry next week.  Please encourage your child to read every night for 20 minutes.  I am looking into the Pizza Hut Book it program to offer an incentive.  I will let you know what comes of that.

Place value is becoming our friend.  You should be able to ask your students about expanded, standard, and word form now.  Right now, we are comparing numbers.  I am happy with the gains we have made thus far.

Social Studies
Our lesson from last week continues through this week.  Next week, we will begin the American Revolution.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Week of August 6

We are getting into the groove of being back in school (although it is still hard to believe that vacation is over). 

This nine weeks, we are working on whole numbers, place value, and rounding computation.  We are using Conceptua math in class to support our guided math instruction.  Students will come home with homework that allows for them to practice what they are learning in school. 

We are in the process of launching the Readers and Writers workshop where students receive instruction and then are given the opportunity to practice it through centers.  I will conference with groups of students each day to help them sharpen their reading and writing skills.

Social Studies
We will begin our discussion of the big ideas we will see in American history, geography, economics, and government. 

The students will go to Mr. Mathews for science on Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour.  Information about science will be coming shortly.


Each night, the students should read for 20 minutes.  As an avid reader, I enjoy reading a variety of genres and literature and I would like for the students to do the same.  With that said, please encourage your children to read a variety of books and literature.  I LOVE the Smyrna library because it has a great selection of reading material (and I don't have to pay for the books...unless my books are overdue).  We will begin going to the media center next week to also support reading at home and in class. 

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Class Dojo and Bruner Bucks

Day 2 is down in the books! 

We are moving right along in class and I am happy with our progress. Today, you will receive a Class Dojo paper with your child's name on it and a code.  The code is specific to your child's account.  If you are new to Class Dojo, it is a great tool that allows for me to communicate directly with you regarding your child's behavior. I want to highlight the positive behaviors of your children as well as address any behaviors that need to be corrected and Class Dojo helps me to do both. 

I will begin Class Dojo on Monday, August 6.

With that said, I LOVE to recognize behaviors that are above and beyond my expectations through the use of Bruner Bucks.  Bruner Bucks is a reward system that works just like dollars.  Children are able to earn Bruner Bucks and shop at the Bruner store on designated Fridays.  The store contains snacks, school supplies, and other cool things that fourth graders love.

If you would like to donate snacks or items to the Bruner Bucks store, you are more than welcome to (my budget definitely appreciates donations).  We are a peanut and tree nut free classroom, so please check labels if you do decide to donate snacks. 

Happy second day!

Mrs. Bruner

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

First Day of School Information

Hello parents!

We have had a successful first day of school!  I can definitely tell that the students are excited to see each other. 

Here are a few homework assignments for tonight (wink, wink):

1.  Agendas will come home everyday and are expected to be signed.  This is the best way for your child to communicate with you regarding homework and for me to provide you with important information.
2.  If you have not signed up for the REMIND, you may do so by clicking this link below...    (Homeroom)
REMIND is an app that I use regularly to communicate with parents.
3.  The Cobb County folders sent home today have a few papers that need to be reviewed, signed, and returned.  Please send all information back with your student by Friday, August 3.
4.  Please return any papers from Sneak a Peek.   

Please review the Classroom Discipline tab.  My rules and expectations are in place to provide each student with a learning environment that is safe and productive.  I expect for all students to adhere to both classroom and school rules. 

Let's make this a great year!  As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Kindest regards,
Evonna Bruner