Show Your P.R.I.D.E – Schoolwide House
Springs has implemented a positive behavior plan using the “House System”.
Students are in one of the five houses: Yangxing (positivity), Integridad
(integrity), Mahalo (respect), Studium (enthusiasm), or Fidelis (dependable).
The House System is vertical meaning that a fifth grader and a first grader can
be in the same house. Students can earn points for their house for academics,
behavior, athletics, attendance, manners, etc. The points will be tallied and
the winning house will be rewarded monthly. In order for your child to
participate in the celebration, they must have 3 or less behavior slips and
zero office referrals in that monthly time frame. Also, each month five
students that have shown exemplary behavior in one of the five areas will be
recognized on KSTV. For more information about the House System, please refer
to the KSE website.
In addition to the House System, there will also be a school-wide disciplinary
system that will document inappropriate behaviors. The inappropriate behavior
will be documented on a behavior slip that is aligned directly to the
standards-based report card. The behavior slips will be used not only in the
classroom, but also in specials, the cafeteria, and other places throughout the
building. The amount of behavior slips will determine your child’s conduct
grades on the quarterly report card.
The guidelines are
as follows:
or less behavior slips= S
behavior slips and/or 1 office referral =P (K-3)/ NI (4-5),
or more and/or two or more office referrals= N (K-3)/ U (4-5).
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