Monday, April 22, 2019

The Week of April 22, 2019

Let's see what's going on this week...

Upcoming Activities
April 23-Kick-off for Boosterthon
April 26- Field Day
April 29-May 1- Milestones Testing (ELA)
May 5-6- Milestones Testing (Math)
Reminder: Students are not allowed to bring electronic devices.

Our schedules are all over the place right now due to special activities and testing.  During testing, we eat lunch from 10:38-11:08.  Tomorrow (Tuesday, 4/23), our lunch is from 10:44-11:14.  For Field day, our lunch will be in the classroom from 12-1pm.  No worries, I will NEVER forget lunch! :0)

Field Day
If you would like to volunteer for field day this Friday, I would love to have you!  We begin our day at 8am and go up to 11:45 and then go back out for tug of war at 1pm.  Come out for some fun!

Here are some basic items your child may bring/need:
*Dress in P.E. shoes shorts, sunscreen, and hats
*Send a filled water bottle. 
*A towel and a change of clothes and shoes for students who participate in the Fire Department hose activity (they will get SOAKED for sure).

Tuesday, May 21 is the fourth grade awards ceremony and ice cream social. If your student is receiving an award, parent invitations will go home. The awards begin at 8:15 in the cafeteria; the ice cream social begins at 9:15 on the blacktop (weather permitting) or in the fourth grade hallway. All parents are welcome to the ice cream social. Students are welcome to bring their yearbooks for signing at that time.  After the ice cream social, there will be a special something in my classroom that should only last about 15 minutes.  :0)

I know it is late in the year, but allergies are at an all time high.  If you could, please pass on a box or two of tissues.  We desperately in need of glue sticks as we have quite a few activities that require glue.

We will review for the Milestones throughout the week.  We will continue to move through our social studies weekly, however.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Class Updates and Announcements for 4/15/19

Upcoming Activities
April 23-Kick-off for Boosterthon
April 26- Field Day
April 29-May 1- Milestones Testing (ELA)
May 5-6- Milestones Testing (Math)
Reminder: Students are not allowed to bring electronic devices.

Tuesday, May 21 is the fourth grade awards ceremony and ice cream social. If your student is receiving an award, parent invitations will go home. The awards begin at 8:15 in the cafeteria; the ice cream social begins at 9:15 on the blacktop (weather permitting) or in the fourth grade hallway. All parents are welcome to the ice cream social. Students are welcome to bring their yearbooks for signing at that time.  After the ice cream social, there will be a special something in my classroom that should only last about 15 minutes.  :0)

Assessments: Mr. Mathews class will have their Social Studies test tomorrow.

I know it is late in the year, but allergies are at an all time high.  If you could, please pass on a box or two of tissues.  We desperately in need of glue sticks as we have quite a few activities that require glue.  Also, we have a few projects that will need paper towels and/or baby wipes.  Now you can see that I use all of the supplies on the supply list.  All notebooks will be used as well.  :0)

For a project on Wednesday, April 14th and Thursday, April 15th, we will need old t-shirts sent in for math.  I would love to tell you what it is, but the kids don't even know.  They'll love it!

We will review for the Milestones throughout the week.  We will continue to move through our social studies weekly, however. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Class Updates for the Week of April 8, 2019

Here we go...the last 6 weeks of school.  Let's do this!

Milestones testing for fourth grade are on the following dates:
April 29th- ELA section 1
April 30th- ELA section 2
May 6th- Math section 1
May 7th- Math section 2
During the Milestones, please do not send students with electronic devices.

Tuesday, May 21 is the fourth grade awards ceremony and ice cream social. If your student is receiving an award, parent invitations will go home. The awards begin at 8:15 in the cafeteria; the ice cream social begins at 9:15 on the blacktop (weather permitting) or in the fourth grade hallway. All parents are welcome to the ice cream social. Students are welcome to bring their yearbooks for signing at that time.  After the ice cream social, there will be a special something in my classroom that should only last about 15 minutes.  :0)

There will be a math test on geometry and measurement this Friday.  Between their notes and what has already been sent home (see class dojo for photos), they should be well prepared.  If the students study for at least 20 minutes every night, this will help decrease any anxiety or worries.

I know it is late in the year, but allergies are at an all time high.  If you could, please pass on a box or two of tissues.  We desperately in need of glue sticks as we have quite a few activities that require glue.

For a project on Wednesday, April 14th and Thursday, April 15th, we will need old t-shirts sent in for math.  I would love to tell you what it is, but the kids don't even know.  They'll love it!

Math- We are currently doing conversions for measurement. The basic concept that the students need to know is how to convert larger units of measurement to smaller units and vice versa.

Reading- We are continuing to discuss historical non-fiction and how to identify main idea, go back into the text to find information, and our other 4th grade learning targets.

ELA- Oh, we are having fun in writing!  We are developing a class fictional story that will come together in a Mad Lib type of way.  The students will develop their own fictional stories in April.

Social Studies- Reading and social studies will be combined.  We will use are reading standards to discuss the Westward Expansion and our next unit on the Civil War.

Thank you for continuing to support your child and our classroom.  It means a lot to us all!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Class Updates for 3/25/19

Can you believe we are heading into spring break?  Wow!  This year is going by fast.

I am in need of a favor...
I was recently awarded a grant to provide rising third graders with summer bags to help them stay engaged and learning over the break.  There are quite a few materials that will go into the bags including two books, dominoes, a deck of cards, and folders that contain various activities for all of the items.  If you are available during our block planning this Friday from 12:45-2:00pm to help stuff the bags or on April 8th and 9th from 8:00-9:00am, I would greatly appreciate it.  If you can come, please just send me a text via Class Dojo (our email spam filter is still suspect).

Math- We are finishing up our geometry unit this week and will move on to measurement.  I have a fun in-class project that the students will work on in the upcoming weeks that may involve painting.  I will confirm that after spring break as we may need old t-shirts.

Reading- We are continuing to discuss historical non-fiction and how to identify main idea, go back into the text to find information, and our other 4th grade learning targets.

ELA- Oh, we are having fun in writing!  We are developing a class fictional story that will come together in a Mad Lib type of way.  The students will develop their own fictional stories in April.

Social Studies- Reading and social studies will be combined.  We will use are reading standards to discuss the Westward Expansion and our next unit on the Civil War.

There will not be a spelling test this week. 

Spring fever has officially arrived in our classroom, however, the Bruner Bunch MUST finish strong.  Please have some dinner and discuss appropriate school and classroom behaviors even if your child looks at you like "what are you talking about".  We still have so much to learn and of a course the Milestones quickly approaching, so I will use every minute of every day to make sure the students learn and are focused. 

Thank you so much for your support!
Mrs. Bruner

Enjoy your spring break and be safe!  I need all of my kiddos back on April 8th. :0)

Monday, March 18, 2019

Class Updates for 3/18/19

Hi parents!

Here are a few announcements for this week:

4th Grade Awards Ceremony

Tuesday, May 21 is the fourth grade awards ceremony and ice cream social. If your student is receiving an award, parent invitations will go home. The awards begin at 8:15 in the cafeteria; the ice cream social begins at 9:15 on the blacktop (weather permitting) or in the fourth grade hallway. All parents are welcome to the ice cream social. Students are welcome to bring their yearbooks for signing at that time.

Jr. Beta Club
Dear KSE students and parents,

Jr. Beta Club is supporting Springfield Elementary, a school horribly impacted by the effects of Hurricane Michael last year. They are still recovering and are looking for items to help replenish all that was lost. We have picked three items from their Amazon Wish List to collect this week. If you could please send in: EXPO MARKERS, GLUE STICKS, and/or PEEL AND STICK ENVELOPES (standard size). Please see the attached flyer for more info! 

Supplies for Our Classroom
I am hoping the flu and runny nose season is behind us.  Wait, I forgot about allergies.  YIKES!
If you can, please send in tissues either with your child or for the classroom.  Paper towels will work as well.  Glue sticks are in demand too because we are constantly gluing things into our notebooks.  

I SO appreciate your support!  

Curriculum Updates
Report cards will go home this Friday. Please keep a look out for them. 

We are starting our unit on inequalities, specifically as it relates to the 19th Amendment.

Social Studies
The Westward Expansion is our topic of study for the next few weeks.  

In writing, we will review opinion writing and how to develop fictional stories.

We have started our geometry and measurement unit.  After this, we will have a few weeks of review according to our curriculum map (although we have already started this in class).

Milestones Review
I will be sending home review work as we complete it in class.  I will also send home a few optional review sheets your child may work on for practice.  The review that we do in class or home are topics we have covered in class.  The students may also use their notebooks to review if they forget a topic or two.

As far as typing practice in preparation for the Milestones, we have been typing all year and I am confident that the students will have no problem manipulating the keyboard or mouse.  The students have used the computers consistently to complete their Moby Max and Read Works assignments.  We have also completed research twice this year.  I feel good about their typing skills.

A Look Ahead...
March 29- Math Quiz: Lines, Angles, Symmetry
April 12- Math Test: Geometry and Measurement
April 15- Social Studies Test: Westward Expansion
April 16- Social Studies Test: Westward Expansion (Mr. Mathews)

Spelling: March 22 

I think that is it...for now.  

Have a great week!
Mrs. Bruner

Monday, March 4, 2019

Classroom Updates and Announcements for 3/4/19


We are moving right along in our subjects.  It is hard to believe that it is already March.  With that said, we will begin preparing for the Milestones.  Please understand that this is not teaching to the test, but providing and reviewing 4th grade standards which is what the Milestones is focused on.  Items like constructed responses, reading comprehension, finding main ideas, inferencing, place value, fractions, etc. are examples of our standards.  Again, this is not teaching to the test.  I would rather have the students prepared than surprised.  Remember, cramming is not our friend. 

Early Release is next Wednesday, 13
Picture day is March 18.

Reading- We will finish our unit on reading and understanding historical text, specifically the American Revolution (although we have gone ahead a little bit because the concepts are the same).

Social Studies- Don't forget the social studies test for my homeroom is Wednesday and for Mr. Mathews class it is Thursday.  We will begin talking about different presidents and the election this week.

Math- We are finishing up our unit on fractions and decimals.  We will finish decimals by Wednesday and will begin reviewing on Wednesday as well.  Students should be bringing home their math journals (this has been true since the beginning of the year).

Writing- The students will finish their final drafts about the American Revolution. 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Classroom Updates for 2/25/19

Welcome back!

Posters for the poetry cafe are due tomorrow. I  am seeing some great posters from what has been turned in so far! You are more than welcome to attend our poetry cafe on Wednesday from 9-10am.

This week is Read Across America.  Please see my previous post for the daily celebration activities.

Reading- Our unit on the American Revolution has gone really well.  The students love the American Revolution, which makes me super happy.  We have moved a little further ahead in our discussion about how a person's perspective influences their opinion and why it is important to respect each other's opinions.

Social Studies- We will move on from the slave trade on to Famous Presidents.  The presidents will not be on this test.

Math- We are moving on from adding and subtracting fractions to multiplying them. We will begin decimals by the end of the week.  Please note that many of the papers sent home/notes in the notebook are saying "study guide information".  These assignments contain problems that will be on the tests.  As always, students should study their notes nightly.

Writing- We are working on writing our rough drafts on topics about the American Revolution.  The rough drafts are to be completed in class, so you don't have to worry about them coming home for homework.

Here are the dates for upcoming tests for me:

Social Studies- Test for Homeroom= March 6 (weeks 12-14: Test questions will come from notes. (Chapters 12 and 14 repeat in many of the topics)
Social Studies for Mr. Mathews- March 7 (Retest March 13 & 14)
Math- Cumulative Test = March 11 (Retest= March 14) 

Here are the spelling test words for this week:
1.  Against
2. Scared
3. Throw
4.  Dependent
5.  Decision
6.  Shown
7. Reason
8. Certain
9. Judicial
10. Federal

The third quarter ends on March 15.

Thank you,
Mrs. Bruner

Friday, February 8, 2019

Classroom Updates for 2/11/19

Hello parents!

Just FYI, I will give students the names of students for Valentine's day on Monday.  We had a busy Friday and forgot to give it them.  We do, however, have 26 students. 

Writing- we are continuing to develop our informational essays centered around the American Revolution. We have created our tree map to get our ideas down and a few students have started writing their rough drafts.  This is classwork, so students will not come home with this as an assignment.  We will also discuss subject predicates and compound sentences.

Reading- We are deep into understanding how a person's perspective can shape their opinions and why we need to respect the opinions of others.  We are doing so through the American Revolution.

Social Studies- We will begin discussing slavery this week, but it is just a preview leading up to our second to last unit for the year. 

Math- We will begin adding and subtracting mixed numbers.  The kids did VERY well with adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. 

Spelling- I gave the spelling words to you in the last post and the students have the words in their agendas.

Don't forget, we will have an author visit on Friday. 

For Valentine's students should bring a box to collect their cards/candy.  They are more than welcome to decorate their boxes.  They should bring them on Thursday and not before them (we are limited on storage).

Supplies:  If any of you would like to donate tissues, I would greatly appreciate it.

Progress reports will go out on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Bruner

Monday, February 4, 2019

Homework and Announcements for 2/4/19 (Updated 2/5/19)

Math- We are continuing to work through fractions.  This week we will finish comparing fractions and begin adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators.  Students will have a quiz on simplifying fractions this Thursday.

Social Studies- The social studies test is on Friday.  Students have what they need to study and an email was sent out with a preparation guide.  We will also begin week's 12 and 13.

Reading- We have been discussing how a person's perspective can influence their opinion.  We have specifically discussed how this is true for the leaders and people during the American Revolution and after.

Writing- Our writing goes along with Social Studies and Reading.  The students will begin brainstorming for their historical writing this week.  I will walk through the writing process as they look at the American Revolution and how to write a compelling essay.

Black History Month Poetry Cafe- The students have received information on the Poetry cafe we will have on February 27 that will highlight African-American poets.  I need to adjust the time of the cafe.  It states that the cafe will be from 8:00-9:00am, however, that is right during our specials.  The cafe instead will be from 9am-10am on Feb. 27.  Posters are due February 26.
Parents if you would like to attend the cafe and/or bring in snacks for us to share afterwards, you are more than welcome to come and enjoy the cafe.

Due to the Social Studies test and the math quiz, there will not be a spelling test this Friday. However, if you would like to get ahead, here are the words for the week of 2/11:

Thursday Music Performance
This is just a friendly reminder about the music performance this Thursday at Life Church.  Students are expected to be at the church by 6:15pm with their recorders.  See you there!

Thank you all for continuing to support the class and our needs.  Unfortunately, we are out of tissues again.  I have found that my girls like to use the tissues for making tie dye designs.  I have explained to them that this causes us to use resources unnecessarily.  If you would like to send in class tissues, I would appreciate it.  However, if you just want to supply your child with tissues to keep in their book bag, I completely understand.  Either is fine by me. 

Valentine's Day
If your child would like to bring in Valentine's Day cards/candy, they are more than welcome to do so.  The only thing that I ask is that you bring them in for all 26 of our students and not just a select group.  I will send home our class list by Friday. 

Author Visit
Lesa Cline-Ransome is coming to KSE, 2/15/19! 
          Lesa Cline-Ransome will speak to all students on Friday, February 15th, at both campuses. We are very grateful to our PTA for once again sponsoring our Author’s Visit this year!
If you are interested in more information about Mrs. Ransome or her books, please visit (Due to a change in county policy, we are unable to handle book orders.)
Feel free to contact Nina Delk with


Read Across America

Let’s Celebrate Read Across America Week!
Each year, schools across the country celebrate Read Across America week during the last week in February, or the first week of March. This date was chosen because beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss was born on March 2.
This year, our school is going to do something extra fun to join this special celebration of reading! Each day will have a theme to correspond to a Dr. Seuss book title. Students may dress according to each day’s theme. Be creative and have fun!
Dr. Seuss Book

What to Wear

Monday, February 25
My Many Colored Days
Wear as many different colors as possible!
Tuesday, February 26
Fox in Socks
Wear crazy socks!
Wednesday, February 27
Cat in the Hat
Wear a crazy hat!
Thursday, February 28
Oh the Places You’ll Go!
Dress as what you want to be when you grow up
Friday, March 1
Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book
Pajama day!

Please join us in celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday and Read Across America week!

Okay, I think that is it for now.

Mrs. Bruner

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Homework and Updates for January 30, 2019

Happy Wednesday!

Just an fyi, I will be at another school doing observations tomorrow.  Many of the students didn't seem happy about this (I guess that's a good thing), but they know my expectations are the same.  

Tonight's homework wouldn't have made since if I sent it via Remind, which only gives me 120 characters.  

All homework for me is due Friday.  

ELA- study for spelling test for Friday.

Cobb County Writing Contest- this is OPTIONAL, however, for the first time this year, I have agreed to give an extra credit point to students who turn in a completed entry (I do not offer extra credit otherwise).  Entries include a parent portion as well.  The guidelines were sent home today.  This is due Friday, Feb. 1. (An email will come home shortly with the same information)

Math-study multiplication facts.  Having the students do flash cards will help build fluency.  In order to simplify fractions, the students must know their multiplication facts.

Reading- main idea worksheet

Science-study for science test tomorrow.

High Touch, High Tech information was sent home today.  There is also additional information coming via email.  

Black History Month Poetry Cafe
Our annual Black History Month Poetry Cafe will focus on African-American poets.  We will discuss different poets, such as Maya Angelou, during our reading time as poetry is one of our fourth grade standards.  Students will receive more information about the cafe on Friday.  

Friday, January 25, 2019

Class Updates for Week of January 28, 2019

January 28, 2019 Curriculum and Classroom Announcements

Reading/Social Studies- we are continuing to analyze and summarize the American Revolution and the formation of the Constitution.  Students will continue to work on developing strategies to find locate information within a historical text.  I am also pulling students individually to do cold read running records to continue working on comprehension and fluency.  We will move back to reading groups and book clubs next week.

ELA- Students have brainstormed topics to write about for their informational, historical essays.  They will choose one topic to write about this week and begin the brainstorming process.  We will work together through each of the steps.

Math- Fractions are continuing to become our friends. We will review simplifying fractions in the beginning of the week and move on to comparing them as the week progresses.  We will take a look at adding them on Friday.

Students received their spelling words on Friday, January 25.  They are in their agendas.

Also, for support, please do not forget about the video sections under the math tab.  I provide resources for the students to review that should help them at home along with their notes.

All quizzes and reading comprehension pages have been sent home.  Please ask your student to see them.

High Touch, High Tech will be on Thursday during our class time.

Students should be using their schedule that I sent home on Friday to help pace themselves when doing assignments.  We went over this extensively and they all said this will help them with work at night.  Parents, I am preparing your students as much as possible through notes given in class, practice, and activities.  I ask questions often in class to check for comprehension and ask students if they understand.

Homework for this week:  Math is pasted into their math journals so they have no choice but to take their journals home and study. :0)  They have the resources in their journals to complete their homework.

Parents, I need a favor.  I need your help in building confidence in all children, which means they can't be compared to one another.  When we compare children to other children, it can create a culture of performance anxiety and stress (and undo stress on us as me, been there, done that).  Please know that I treat all children as individuals.  Each child in my class needs something different than the next in the same way siblings do.  Because of this, I differentiate instruction.  Not all children are on the same reading level.  Not all children completely understand math concepts at the same time.  Much like us, students learn at different paces and that is okay.  There are a number of variables that go into how a child learns, so comparing isn't a good way to measure the success of a student or the class in general.

One piece of advice I can offer you is to discuss with your child whether or not they participate in class and how often.  Even if your child feels like they don't know the answer, I still encourage them to participate.  We are a safe zone classroom, meaning, students are not ridiculed for not knowing the answer. Those who participate let me know that they are paying attention and whether or not they understand the information.  I walk around on a regular basis to see if children comprehend, but I also work with students individually and in small groups.

If a child needs support, they know that they can come back to the classroom to receive support during lunch (I technically do not have a duty free lunch which is something I don't mind if a child needs my help).  Many students have come back multiple times while others I haven't seen at all.  It is their choice, but my door is open.

Thank you for continuing to support your children at home.

Thank you,
Mrs. Bruner

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Assessment Update

Happy Tuesday!

I wanted to send out an update on upcoming assessments, with one in particular update being spelling assessments.  I am trying to have my friends copy words correctly and spell common 4th grade words correctly as well. This is to support your children in reading comprehension and writing.  If the students do not know what the word looks like spelled correctly, they also have troubles reading it.   

The first set of spelling words for the next couple of weeks will be from the 4th grade list that has been glued in the back of the students' ELA journal and social studies vocabulary.  The list will be broken down into 10 words per week. The words for this week are in their agendas as well.

Also, here are the dates of upcoming assessments:

Jan. 25- Fractions quiz (equivalent and comparing fractions)
Jan. 25- Sentence structure quiz
Feb. 8th- Soc. St. Test

Spelling test every Friday.  

Thank you,
Mrs. Bruner

Monday, January 21, 2019

Week of January 21, 2019


We have quite a few school and classroom announcements:

Parents! The 4th grade concert is Thursday, Feb. 7th at 6:30 pm at Life Church in Smryna.  This will be a fabulous demonstration of your child's hard work this year on their recorder!

Here are the details:

What: 4th grade Concert 
When: Thursday, Feb. 7th 6:30 pm *Students report by 6:15 pm
Where: Life Church (4100 King Springs Rd., Smyrna)

Students should wear nice dress clothes and bring their recorder!

*If you would like to volunteer your time to help set up, please follow the link below. Each volunteer will receive 2 reserved seats at the concert!

Musically yours,
Julie Bosworth
Music Specialist
King Springs Elementary 2-5 Campus

Curriculum updates:

Reading- In reading, we are really working on finding the main idea of a text (specifically historical text this nine weeks), explaining what a text says using specific details from the text, making inferences, effectively engaging in discussions with diverse partners about fourth grade texts, determining the meaning of content words or phrases in informational text, and summarizing informational and persuasive texts.  

Writing- The students will begin writing historical texts this week.  They will choose a topic around the American Revolution to write about.  

Math-  We have started studying simplifying fractions.  The students need to understand how to find the greatest common factor.  Please continue to have your child study their multiplication facts.  If they know their facts fluently, they are more likely to find the greatest common factor 

Social Studies- We are continuing to discuss the Constitutional Convention, the key leaders of the Convention, the branches of government, and democracy.  We are combining our reading and social studies times on most of the days sense we are discussing historical texts.  Our writing will come into play as well.

Study Support:
If your student struggles with reading comprehension (ex: finding the main ideas from text), there are a couple of suggestions that can help.  
1.  Have your student read a variety of texts/literature.  My friends love the Dork Diaries, Captain Underpants, and many other fictional books.  I don't mind that at all (at least they are reading), but studies have shown that students grow more in reading and understanding texts when they mix it up a bit.  Reading nonfiction is just as important as reading fiction.  I am going to begin having the students check out books that interests them in both fiction and nonfiction.  We go to the media center once a week, so they are given at least one guaranteed opportunity to grab some books.

2.  Ask your students questions after they read.  I provided you with reading strategies/questions during our conferences in October, however, if you have misplaced them, please let me know and I will send them home with your child.  The reading questions help the student draw information from their texts, which builds comprehension.

3.  Read to your child.  I know, they probably don't want you to, but it does help.  

4.  Pick a time when you all read books as a family.  For my kiddos who have trouble focusing, this will help support them.  

I will be sending home more reading comprehension passages for homework as well as increase the practicing in class.  As you know, reading comprehension and fluency helps with all subjects.

Thank you,
Mrs. Bruner

Monday, January 14, 2019

Week of January 14 Classroom Updates

Reading- This week we are looking at how a person's perspective influences their opinion. 

Writing- We have finished up our opinion writing and will be moving into informational writing. 

Math- We are continuing to work on equivalent fractions.  Please have your student use their strategies of fraction bars, multiplying, and

Social Studies- We are continuing our discussion and study of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.   

Science- Parents, students have a quiz on identifying the phases of the moon on Tuesday January 15, 2019. Students have a study sheet in their science journal to study. Have a wonderful day.

There may be some other updates later this week.  I will send out a REMIND if I happen to update the blog.  

Please note my previous post about upcoming assignments/assessments.  

Friday, January 4, 2019

Happy New Year! Important Announcements for Second Semester and January 7

Wow!  How did we get to 2019 so fast?

There are a few reminders and changes that I wanted to make everyone aware of again, just in case any of you missed it from last semester.

Social Studies
The students will no longer have open note tests.  The test were open note in the beginning of the school year because we were getting used to the new curriculum.  However, now that I am providing the students with specific notes (that they copy directly from me) and I am making the tests myself, they will be responsible for studying their notes ahead of time (which they technically still needed to do even with open note).

We are studying fractions this nine weeks.  I will be honest and let you know that fractions can be a bit challenging for students, but of course I am going to make sure students are given plenty of opportunities to practice and different ways to learn.  When I send home important links or say "hey, math video posted", please have your students view them to help them understand at home.  Videos will be and have been posted under the Math tab blog.  I have already added one about fractions that you are more than welcome to have your child view.

We will use the first week back to school reviewing and completing our opinion writing unit.  The students will have an on demand writing prompt on Thursday, January 10.  The students will be given the prompt that day (I cannot give it out ahead of time).  From here, the students will learn how to bring history to life through informational writing.

Reading- In our new unit, students will explore perspectives in the American Revolution.  Students study reasons why the 13 American colonies decided to declare independence, how colonists’ opinions differed on this decision, and how the perspectives of free and enslaved blacks were both similar and different from the perspective of the white colonists. After a study of these various perspectives, students construct an opinion piece proclaiming reasons to be a Loyalist or a Patriot. In Topic 1, students build background knowledge on the war itself through close readings of several informational texts.

Jan. 15- Multiplication, Division, and Area Test
Jan. 18- Social Studies quiz
Jan. 25- Fractions quiz (equivalent and comparing fractions)
Jan. 25- Sentence structure quiz
Feb. 8th- Soc. St. Test

Reminders will continue to come home about assessments as well.

Homework is sent home to help students practice and study the concepts learned in school.  The homework I send home is standards based and help students prepare for upcoming tests along with the Milestones.  I do see a correlation between students who do not complete homework and/or study and grades.

Class Dojo
Thank you for continuing to be supportive in regards to classroom behavior.  As we head into the second half of school, we are well into the groove of things.  I will continue to use Class Dojo to provide you with information on how your child is doing in class.

If students come home without my initials, it is because they did not copy homework down from the board correctly and had to go back to their desk to finish.  I give students ample time to write down their work.  I am teaching the students how to be responsible and to listen. 

I think that is it for now.  I wanted to make sure I captured everything in one post.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Evonna Bruner