- Always show your P.R.I.D.E.
- Raise your hand and wait your turn to be called on. Never interrupt someone unless there is an emergency (ex: someone needs medical attention).
- Use manners and use them immediately. "Please", "thank you", "you're welcome", and holding the door for others are all included in the use of manners.
- Take responsibility for your learning.
- Never condone the misbehavior of others. If someone is doing something you know is wrong, speak up and tell them to stop their behavior. If they don't, you have the right to alert an adult around you.
Students must come prepared for class. A pencil, paper, and a their appropriate workbook/notebook/folder are required everyday unless told otherwise.
I expect for students to have their homework completed and ready to go by 8:00am the day it is due. If they forget their homework, they will not be afforded the opportunity to call their parent and interrupt their day.
Our classroom environment must be safe and conducive for learning at all times. In order for this to remain true, the students are expected to pick up after themselves and each other, keep their desks organized and clean, and assist with morning and afternoon procedures.
Morning Procedures
1. When students enter the classroom, they should share a greeting with me as a courtesy and to make their presence known (without interrupting those who are working).
2. After their greeting, they are to place their book bag on a hook located in the back of the classroom and unpack their items. Their agendas should be placed in their appropriate bins.
3. While the board procedures will remain the same for a majority of the time, students should still read the board to receive their morning instructions.
4. When it is time for the students to change classes, they should take all of their materials with them necessary for their classes. I will not allow students back into the classroom to retrieve items. While this may seem harsh, it is to help prepare them for not only class, but for life beyond 5th grade. We will be working on organization and study skills in my class, so this is an important concept for them to grasp and understand.
Afternoon Procedures
1. Students will return back to homeroom at the end of the day. They should place their materials back into their desks.
2. Students are to pack up their materials they need to complete any assignments at home.
3. Table groups will be called up to my desks to have agendas initialed.
4. After agendas are completed, students should their chairs at the back of the classroom to allow the custodial staff to sweep the floor after we pick up any items that don't belong.
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