Monday, February 25, 2019

Classroom Updates for 2/25/19

Welcome back!

Posters for the poetry cafe are due tomorrow. I  am seeing some great posters from what has been turned in so far! You are more than welcome to attend our poetry cafe on Wednesday from 9-10am.

This week is Read Across America.  Please see my previous post for the daily celebration activities.

Reading- Our unit on the American Revolution has gone really well.  The students love the American Revolution, which makes me super happy.  We have moved a little further ahead in our discussion about how a person's perspective influences their opinion and why it is important to respect each other's opinions.

Social Studies- We will move on from the slave trade on to Famous Presidents.  The presidents will not be on this test.

Math- We are moving on from adding and subtracting fractions to multiplying them. We will begin decimals by the end of the week.  Please note that many of the papers sent home/notes in the notebook are saying "study guide information".  These assignments contain problems that will be on the tests.  As always, students should study their notes nightly.

Writing- We are working on writing our rough drafts on topics about the American Revolution.  The rough drafts are to be completed in class, so you don't have to worry about them coming home for homework.

Here are the dates for upcoming tests for me:

Social Studies- Test for Homeroom= March 6 (weeks 12-14: Test questions will come from notes. (Chapters 12 and 14 repeat in many of the topics)
Social Studies for Mr. Mathews- March 7 (Retest March 13 & 14)
Math- Cumulative Test = March 11 (Retest= March 14) 

Here are the spelling test words for this week:
1.  Against
2. Scared
3. Throw
4.  Dependent
5.  Decision
6.  Shown
7. Reason
8. Certain
9. Judicial
10. Federal

The third quarter ends on March 15.

Thank you,
Mrs. Bruner

Friday, February 8, 2019

Classroom Updates for 2/11/19

Hello parents!

Just FYI, I will give students the names of students for Valentine's day on Monday.  We had a busy Friday and forgot to give it them.  We do, however, have 26 students. 

Writing- we are continuing to develop our informational essays centered around the American Revolution. We have created our tree map to get our ideas down and a few students have started writing their rough drafts.  This is classwork, so students will not come home with this as an assignment.  We will also discuss subject predicates and compound sentences.

Reading- We are deep into understanding how a person's perspective can shape their opinions and why we need to respect the opinions of others.  We are doing so through the American Revolution.

Social Studies- We will begin discussing slavery this week, but it is just a preview leading up to our second to last unit for the year. 

Math- We will begin adding and subtracting mixed numbers.  The kids did VERY well with adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. 

Spelling- I gave the spelling words to you in the last post and the students have the words in their agendas.

Don't forget, we will have an author visit on Friday. 

For Valentine's students should bring a box to collect their cards/candy.  They are more than welcome to decorate their boxes.  They should bring them on Thursday and not before them (we are limited on storage).

Supplies:  If any of you would like to donate tissues, I would greatly appreciate it.

Progress reports will go out on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Bruner

Monday, February 4, 2019

Homework and Announcements for 2/4/19 (Updated 2/5/19)

Math- We are continuing to work through fractions.  This week we will finish comparing fractions and begin adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators.  Students will have a quiz on simplifying fractions this Thursday.

Social Studies- The social studies test is on Friday.  Students have what they need to study and an email was sent out with a preparation guide.  We will also begin week's 12 and 13.

Reading- We have been discussing how a person's perspective can influence their opinion.  We have specifically discussed how this is true for the leaders and people during the American Revolution and after.

Writing- Our writing goes along with Social Studies and Reading.  The students will begin brainstorming for their historical writing this week.  I will walk through the writing process as they look at the American Revolution and how to write a compelling essay.

Black History Month Poetry Cafe- The students have received information on the Poetry cafe we will have on February 27 that will highlight African-American poets.  I need to adjust the time of the cafe.  It states that the cafe will be from 8:00-9:00am, however, that is right during our specials.  The cafe instead will be from 9am-10am on Feb. 27.  Posters are due February 26.
Parents if you would like to attend the cafe and/or bring in snacks for us to share afterwards, you are more than welcome to come and enjoy the cafe.

Due to the Social Studies test and the math quiz, there will not be a spelling test this Friday. However, if you would like to get ahead, here are the words for the week of 2/11:

Thursday Music Performance
This is just a friendly reminder about the music performance this Thursday at Life Church.  Students are expected to be at the church by 6:15pm with their recorders.  See you there!

Thank you all for continuing to support the class and our needs.  Unfortunately, we are out of tissues again.  I have found that my girls like to use the tissues for making tie dye designs.  I have explained to them that this causes us to use resources unnecessarily.  If you would like to send in class tissues, I would appreciate it.  However, if you just want to supply your child with tissues to keep in their book bag, I completely understand.  Either is fine by me. 

Valentine's Day
If your child would like to bring in Valentine's Day cards/candy, they are more than welcome to do so.  The only thing that I ask is that you bring them in for all 26 of our students and not just a select group.  I will send home our class list by Friday. 

Author Visit
Lesa Cline-Ransome is coming to KSE, 2/15/19! 
          Lesa Cline-Ransome will speak to all students on Friday, February 15th, at both campuses. We are very grateful to our PTA for once again sponsoring our Author’s Visit this year!
If you are interested in more information about Mrs. Ransome or her books, please visit (Due to a change in county policy, we are unable to handle book orders.)
Feel free to contact Nina Delk with


Read Across America

Let’s Celebrate Read Across America Week!
Each year, schools across the country celebrate Read Across America week during the last week in February, or the first week of March. This date was chosen because beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss was born on March 2.
This year, our school is going to do something extra fun to join this special celebration of reading! Each day will have a theme to correspond to a Dr. Seuss book title. Students may dress according to each day’s theme. Be creative and have fun!
Dr. Seuss Book

What to Wear

Monday, February 25
My Many Colored Days
Wear as many different colors as possible!
Tuesday, February 26
Fox in Socks
Wear crazy socks!
Wednesday, February 27
Cat in the Hat
Wear a crazy hat!
Thursday, February 28
Oh the Places You’ll Go!
Dress as what you want to be when you grow up
Friday, March 1
Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book
Pajama day!

Please join us in celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday and Read Across America week!

Okay, I think that is it for now.

Mrs. Bruner